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Art and Design

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(based on 275 reviews)

Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.




Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Colouring books

Colouring books

8 Resources
A range of colouring books to calm busy minds. An ideal classroom management tool when you need children to rake a break and relax for a while.
Cross curricular Photograph Library for Inspiration - Over 630 Images

Cross curricular Photograph Library for Inspiration - Over 630 Images

This resource provides 21 individual photographic slideshows (over 630 images) suitable for use with students of all ages and numerous subject areas including Biology, Geography, Art and English (Creative Writing inspiration) Includes slideshows of: Autumn Birds Buildings Dramatic landscapes Fish Flowers Fungi Graffiti Hands Insects Natural textures Numbers People Rust Sky Sea Trees Water Faces Plants Perspective
Last week of School Fun Activities

Last week of School Fun Activities

9 Resources
This bundle provides a variety of end of term activities for children of all ages. Colouring books, a word search, whole class game, visuals, quiz and a maths game. The summer is nearly here. Enjoy it when it arrives!
Back to school. Resources for the busy Art teacher

Back to school. Resources for the busy Art teacher

8 Resources
This bundle provides resources to cut the work load at the start of a new academic year. Checklist of duties for an art technician Advice for new teachers Colors in different languages Health and safely policy Art staff handbook Automatic student name chooser Cross curricular links to art Growth mindset activities Student feedback form Report comments
ART. Colour Activities

ART. Colour Activities

9 Resources
A range of resources focussing on colour. The science of colour, the art of colour, how we perceive it, colour theory. Includes Schemes of Work, information sheets, visuals and more. Useful cross curricular information included.
Cover Lesson activities for emergencies!

Cover Lesson activities for emergencies!

20 Resources
A range of self explanatory cover lessons suitable for all ages. Word searches, colouring activities, questionaires and more. Simply print them out and hand the activities to students. These have been a lifesaver for me at times of emergency. If you have found this resource useful, why not check out our other resources … there are over 600 other Art education resources in the shop. You can visit by clicking here Why not follow us by clicking here for regular education news. Please don’t forget to leave a comment. We value your views.
Christmas Cover Lesson Activities

Christmas Cover Lesson Activities

15 Resources
These festive grid drawing activities are an ideal way of engaging children in the run up to Christmas. They are also a very useful emergency cover lesson activity at a time of year when colleagues are succumbing to coughs and colds.
Christmas Resource Bundle

Christmas Resource Bundle

6 Resources
A huge bundle of Christmas themed activities. Includes colouring, games, images for inspiration and "How to Draw" presentation.
New Year Colouring Books For All

New Year Colouring Books For All

8 Resources
A massive variety of colouring books for all ages. It is widely recognised that colouring activities are a good way of calming over busy minds. There is something for everyone here. Simply print the images off and let the colouring commence! Happy colouring!
End of year activities for Primary School

End of year activities for Primary School

11 Resources
Fun activities for the end of another busy year! Colouring, a word search, outdoor art activity, summer images for inspiration and much more. Bought individually, this would be £43. 66% saving!!
Maths. Visual Resource Bundle

Maths. Visual Resource Bundle

10 Resources
This maths bundle for KS2 and 3 provides stunning visual resources to liven up your maths room. Included are ..... Symmetry - Real life examples Time telling activities Slideshow of numbers Desk top number square Tangram puzzles Golden Section explanation..... ..... and to fit in with symmetry and shape, an extensive kaleidoscopic colouring book.
Art  Deparment Administration Resources

Art Deparment Administration Resources

7 Resources
A range of resources to help you run your Art department. Checklist of duties for an art technician End of course student feedback form Gifted and talented policy Health and safety policy Teacher handbook Reprint comment bank Marking system If you have found this resource useful, why not check out our other resources ...... there are over 600 other Art education resources in the shop. You can visit by clicking here Why not follow us by clicking here for regular education news. Please don't forget to leave a comment. We value your views.
Art marking  schemes, policies and admin for September

Art marking schemes, policies and admin for September

13 Resources
This bundle provides a variety of marking and reporting schemes, policy documents, handbooks, report comments, yearly organiser and more. All the nitty gritty, time consuming stuff that gets in the way of actually teaching art. Free up some time any downloading this bundle.
Back to School Art  Resources for the Busy Art teacher

Back to School Art Resources for the Busy Art teacher

11 Resources
A bundle of resources designed to cut teacher work load at the beginning of the academic year. Gifted and talented policy Health and safety policy Teacher handbook Yearly organiser with all the important dates Marking scheme Report comment bank Art technician duty list Student feedback form Assessment policy Higher order questioning Cross curricular links in art